The FAAST FLEX is an aspirating smoke detector featuring very quiet operation and a -40 °C operating temperature rating.
The product is available as a single channel or dual channel detector. Each sensing channel includes a pipe inlet, a metallic mesh filter, a smoke sensor and a flow monitoring system. Both models have a single aspirator (fan) and a single exhaust outlet. The FAAST FLEX is powered by an external 24 volt dc power supply.
FAAST FLEX detectors may be configured using internally mounted DIP switches.
Components subject to periodic maintenance are designed to be easily reachable in any cabling situation. An in-line filter can be installed on the piping close to the inlet in order to improve protection to the sensing elements in particularly harsh (e.g. dusty) environments.
- Suitable for cold storage environments with -40 °C operating temperature rating
- Quiet operation (30 dB) with adjustable fan speed
- Area coverage
- Single channel: Up to 1,600 m²
- Dual channel: Up to 2,000 m²
- Dual channel model is suitable for double knock or redundant detection. Please refer to the "FAAST FLEX Double Knock and Redundancy Application Note" for details.
- Pipe length:
- Single channel: Up to 270 metres
- Dual channel: Up to 420 metres
- AS 7240.20 Class A, B, C sampling hole capacity (please refer to technical manual for full details):
- Single channel: 5, 15, 32 holes respectively
- Dual channel: 8, 28, 56 holes respectively
- One ultrasonic flow sensor per channel
- One metallic mesh filter per channel
- Front panel LEDs indicate power, fault, and alarm status.
- Each channel provides Action, Alarm and Fault relay outputs
- Two configuration modes:
- DIP switch configuration and control mechanism
- Extended mode
- Fault relays are activated in normal operation and de-activate in the event of a fault
- General Purpose Input (GPI) for Remote Reset, Disable, External Fault
- Password protected access for secured detector operation, diagnostics and maintenance
- Modular design with in-field replaceable chamber, filter and aspirator
- Installation template printed on the packaging
- May be mounted upright or inverted
- Onboard event log up to 2,100 events for user actions and smoke trends
- Fault logs may be downloaded via USB
- IP40 ingress protection rating
- ActivFire listed to AS 7240.20:2012 certificate afp-3673
How It Works
FAAST FLEX detectors draw air from the monitored environment, through a network of air sampling pipes into the detection chamber. An alarm is triggered if the smoke level exceeds the pre-configured threshold. The exhaust should be returned to the monitored environment.

Please Click this Youtube link to find the FAAST FLEX training videos.
FAAST Flex 1-pipe Stand-alone
FAAST Flex 2-pipe Stand-alone