Two Pertronic F100A fire alarm control panels supervise fire alarm and suppression systems in Vodafone's $50 million five-storey South Island headquarters in Christchurch.
The building's ground floor has a server room, Vodafone retail shop, cafés, and an incubator space for up to twenty new start-up companies. The four upper floors are open-plan office space.
The business-critical server room is protected by a two-stage smoke detection and gaseous suppression system. First stage detection is by a FAAST analogue addressable aspirating smoke detector connected directly to the data loop of an F100A suppression control panel, monitoring air flow through the equipment racks. Second stage smoke detection is handled by point-type analogue addressable detectors. A second-stage smoke alarm triggers the fire suppression system, via the F100A suppression control panel, which is networked with the main F100A for indication and evacuation purposes.
The smoke detection-activated suppression system is backed up by a two stage dry pipe pre-action sprinkler system, triggered by linear heat detection wire plus a heat-activated air pressure system in the sprinkler pipework, providing an additional layer of detection and suppression.
The building’s F100A fire alarm panel also supervises analogue addressable smoke detectors and manual call points throughout. This includes Pinnacle™ laser smoke detectors for very early warning smoke detection in the comms room on each level.
Vodafone Innov8 features a large, open plan atrium.
All fire detection and suppression systems were designed and installed by Fire Solutions Ltd.
Posted in Retail, Café, Office Building; Tagged NZ - Canterbury;