S900RLFIRE Strobe

Discontinued Product. SpectrAlert Strobe (Replaced by the SYS-STR-FIRE).


Dual Strobe

PA400R, PA400W

Discontinued product range. Mini-Alert Sounders. (Replaced by PS1400)

ISBMTL7787+ Barrier

Discontinued Product. Intrinsically Safety Barrier Det MTL 7787+ Red :28V 300R

SRL Strobe

L-Series wall-mount conventional strobe with seven field-configurable brightness settings. Red body, white flash (Replaced by the SRLED).


Discontinued Product. SpectrAlert Advance™ Selectable Strobe (Replaced by the SRL).

P4R Sounder Strobe

Discontinued Product. SpectrAlert Advance™ 4-wire conventional sounder + strobe. (Replaced by the P4RL.)


Discontinued Product. SpectrAlert™ Selectable Strobe.

S1224MC Strobe

Discontinued Product. SpectrAlert™ Selectable Strobe (Replaced by the SR).

E2XL15EG100V Speaker

Discontinued Product. 15 watt horn speaker for areas subject to explosive atmosphere (Replaced by the BEXL15DFV100AB1A1R)


Discontinued Product. SpectrAlert™ Selectable Horn / Strobe, 12 / 24 Volt, Red


Discontinued Product. Shunt Diode Safety Barrier

VAD-PC-I00 Strobe

AA visual alarm device (strobe) for wall or ceiling mounting. White body, white flash. Complies with AS ISO 7240.23 and EN54-23

SONF1DC24R Sounder

Discontinued Product. 100 dB(A) Alarm Sounder

PSSB524IEFT Speaker

Pertronic Speaker with B524IEFT Isolator Base

BCEWAPT Blocking Capacitor

Blocking Capacitor Unit for use when connecting analogue addressable modules such as the Apartment Module or M500S to an EWIS 100V-Line